Thursday, June 10, 2010

Another excellent Youtube movie

Check this out:
BLEACH 断界につく愛染たち。そこへ拘突。 Aizen and co. are in the dangai. And there's the Guardian. (Koutotsu - the Train thing inside the Dangai) 霊圧側ではなく理側の存在だからどうこうできるもんじゃないので、さっさといきましょうという ギン。 The reiatsu around it's gone, so logically, ... so they should hurry, says Gin だがその拘突を粉々にしてしまう愛染。オサレなセリフを吐いたあと、行こうか、理の涯へとSSに向かう愛染 。 However, Aizen breaks the Koutotsu into tiny pieces. After some more lines - %26ampquot;Would you come? To the edge of reason, which is why we are headed to SS,%26ampquot; says Aizen. 苺たち。一心の言葉にえ?と返す苺を頭突きで喝を入れる一心。 Ichigo and co. Ichigo says %26ampquot;eh?%26ampquot; to Isshin's words and gets headbutted by Isshin. もう一度言葉を紡ぐと無理だ、答える苺。わかんねぇだろうが!と怒る一心にあんな霊圧したバケモンに勝てる はずないと苺。 %26ampquot;It's no use talking about it all over again%26ampquot;, answers Ichigo. %26ampquot;Don't you understand?!%26ampquot;, says Isshin, %26ampquot;that monstrous reiatsu means we can't win for sure.%26ampquot; says Ichigo. その言葉に、やっぱりオメーはあいつの霊圧わかるのか・・・と意味深な発言。 %26ampquot;With those words, that means you understand his reiatsu... and the deep meaning to those words.%26ampquot; 行くぞ、といわれても何も答えない苺に、こねえでどうすんだ、また護れなかったってそこで座って泣くのかよ !?と叱咤。 %26ampquot;Let's go.%26ampquot; Even though Ichigo doesn't answer back. %26ampquot;If you're not coming, then you're not protecting anyone if you're just gonna sit there and cry.%26ampquot; he says. SSに愛染がいった意味を考えろ、オメーが %26amplt;b%26ampgt;...%26amplt;/b%26ampgt;[Spoiler] Bleach 407 spoiler %26ampamp; Naruto 498 spoiler [Confirmed] [Manga]

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